Devlog Post 1- Game development process, playtesting, development images and notes

Devlog Post 1- Game development process, playtesting, development images and notes

The easy levels had a placement of obstacles that were further away from each other so that the player could more easily navigate around the maze levels. In this level, the player is just adjusting to the maze surroundings, getting used to the game’s navigation, and finding and collecting treasures and parts of the key so that they can unlock the door and enter the next maze level. The parts of the key are not placed very far from each other so that the player finds them easier and the obstacles really help hint the player on which directions to navigate so that they easily find their treasures. The obstacles do not have many potential routes for the player to move through because the level has less difficulty in finding the different treasures. The parts of the key and the treasures have to have made contact with the player so that the player has collected those treasure items. All parts of the key and all treasures have to be collected by the player to reach the next levels. The obstacles size and position are made so that players can easily experience navigating different obstacles, maneuver around barriers, and collect treasures so that they better understand what the narrative of this treasure hunt game is. 

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